Saturday, October 12, 2013


Nowadays, the cases of new born baby dumping in Malaysia are rapidly increases. This social problem can be seemed on all type of media such as newspaper and mass media. Dumping babies mean the acts of throw away the baby at any places without take care the babies. This is against human rights.  For the past few years there are many new born babies have been found, dead or live in the most unlikely places like rubbish dump, toilet, mosque and even in the river. This is shows clearly that baby dumping is really serious problem that currently happen in our society. Baby dumping became chronic it is because teenagers are immature to fully understand the effect of free sex. Besides, they lack of sex education and don’t have parental control their activity.

Cause of baby dumping is teenagers are too immature to fully understand the effects of free sex on their lives. So there is no doubt that another problem will be created because of it. Being a pregnant unexpectedly makes them feel panic and they take a risk to abort the baby before their family aware of the physical changes on their body. They cannot thinks rationally anymore in the desperate situation whether their want to abort the baby or to decide to give birth to the baby. They dumb the baby such as throw away the babies at any places like dustbin, toilet and so on. In these cases teenagers do not have money to carry such a huge responsibility. Most of them consider baby dumping as the best way because they think it will not leave over effects on them in the future. But their minds are definitely wrong because they have killed the innocent babies and do the crime.

Sometimes, parents do not give full attention to their children as today many parents are expect their children are good enough to take save of themselves. No parental control on teenager’s life also is a part cause of baby dumping. Parents are also too busy with their jobs until they forget to give attention to their children. Parents want more income in their life but they do not have enough time to look after their children activities. The result is their children lack of home education and cannot differentiate between the good and bad. They will do what they want freely without being warning by their parent.

Internet and multimedia also lead to this issue. This is because pornography and sex video can be access by the children with ease, where Internet supposed to help them to study but certain abuses take place. They will be influenced by the videos that they watched and of course it will make them to influence other people to do free sex. And when they got the product of their sin, they will throw it away like trash.

Although this issue is worrying but it still can be curbing by a few method. First is parent should always keep their eyes on their children and watch what they do and with who they friend. Second, the government and the non-government agencies should always make campaign or offering sex education to make youth nowadays realize about the harms of free sex to them. Lastly, we as concern citizens around them should always do not ignore when they do wrong things. Give them advises or report to the relevant authorities such as police.

So, we hope that this issue will soon be end. May Allah bless us all in the way we live our life in this world.

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