Saturday, October 12, 2013

Cultural Taboo's

     Malaysia is a land that are full of races that live happily in this growing nation. Because of this country have many races that live well togather, there are so many cultural views.

     Some of the famous cultural taboo's that I used to heard is do not sew when it is already night. The rational of it is you may get hurt when you sew at night. Imagine that you are sleepy, than the light are not as bright as when it is daylight.


     Other than that is do not sit on a pillow. They said that you may get some kind of acne on your buttock. But the true reason is far from what they meant. This is because you may fart on the pillow while sitting on it. Soon you will be the one who have problem to sleeps. hahahahahaa.

     There is also a taboo's about opening an umbrella inside a house. The elders said that there will be a snake enters the house if someone opens an umbrella inside the house. But the truth is when someone open an umbrella inside a house, it will totally crowded a space. So it is hard for someone to move around when an umbrella are widely open. Other problem like you may poke someone in the eyes also could happen.

     There is also taboo's that are refers to young ladies, that have not got married yet. Young ladies are prohibited to sing while cooking because elder said that their couple or bride would came late. Meaning that the lady will get married while already aged. But the truth behind the prohibition is that the elder do not want the food that been cooked by the lady will rotten faster because maybe her saliva have enters her cooking.

Childhood Life

Childhood Life

     Well, as we all know, everybody life starts from a baby. A new born infant that could make a couple feels so blessed, excited to became a father and mother and brings happiness to a family. Later they grows up little by little. But the most important phases when one's trying to develops a human started as early as his or her childhood time and memories.

     Childhood time of me was quite interesting and leave a lot of experiences to gain from. Starting from age of 5, I already been asked to go by myself to a religious class that was about 6 KM go and back from my house. Imagine a 5 year old boy cycling by himself. But I never be alone, cause I live in a countryside neighborhood where there's more friends that also cycling to the class. While cycling to the class, it actually have provided me with much experiences on how to cycle, how to cross a road, how to take care of your own safety. A lot that I gain actually.

     My childhood playground was basically the area around my house and paddy field, where a scratch or wound is a normal thing and already been expected to happen. We create our own cycling tournament, we play bowling using coconut and mineral water bottles.

     The most awaited moments is when it is in a fruits seasons, where 'rambutan', 'cempedak', jackfruit and manggo (only this type are planted around my house). It really give some kind of excitement when waiting the trees to produce fruit. Starting from the tree produced the "flower" then it changes to the fruit. Then wait for the fruit to totally ready to been plucked.

This paragraph was a citation from Nelson Mandela's childhood story.

     "From an early age, I spent most of my free time in the veld playing and fighting with the other boys of the village. A boy who remained at home tied to his mother's apron strings was regarded as a sissy. At night, I shared my food and blanket with these same boys. I was no more than five when I became a herd-boy, looking after sheep and calves in the fields. I discovered the almost mystical attachment that the Xhosa have for cattle, not only as a source of food and wealth, but as a blessing from God and a source of happiness. It was in the fields that I learned how to knock birds out of the sky with a slingshot, to gather wild honey and fruits and edible roots, to drink warm, sweet milk straight from the udder of a cow, to swim in the clear, cold streams, and to catch fish with twine and sharpened bits of wire. I learned to stick-fight--essential knowledge to any rural African boy - and became adept at its various techniques, parrying blows, feinting in one direction and striking in another, breaking away from an opponent with quick footwork. From these days I date my love of the veld, of open spaces, the simple beauties of nature, the clean line of the horizon.

     As boys, we were mostly left to our own devices. We played with toys we made ourselves. We molded animals and birds out of clay. We made ox-drawn sleighs out of tree branches. Nature was our playground. The hills above Qunu were dotted with large smooth rocks which we transformed into our own roller coaster. We sat on flat stones and slid down the face of the large rocks. We did this until our backsides were so sore we could hardly sit down. I learned to ride by sitting atop weaned calves-- after being thrown to the ground several times, one got the hang of it."

For more childhood story of Nelson Mandela, please refers to


Based on Oxford Dictionaries, impoliteness is a form of noun which is rooted from the word impolite. Impolite was defined as not having or showing good manner; rude. There are many types of impoliteness. In this era of globalisation, impoliteness in youth is no longer a hot issue in media mass. This is because good manner is no longer a basic in life for the youth people nowadays. What is the main reason of this problem? Who should be responsible for the youth being impolite to others? So we have our opinion for that.

Parent was voted by us as that act the main role to shape good manner in youth. This is because the basic education for youth should be starting at home. Like Malays said, “ melentur buluh biar dari rebungnya”, which is explain why home’s education is important in shaping youth nowadays. Parent should had thought their children how to live their life full of good manners such as respect their elders, love the people around them, help the blind people to cross the street and so on. Although it seem to be easy as alphabet, but this simple things always had forgotten by the parent.

Then, mass media seem to be another factor of impoliteness in youth. This is because they can watch, for example, a movie about gangster. Although the movie has the warning about only the elder can watch it, most of the people ignore it. They seem to let the youth to watch that movie freely. As a result, they will follow what the impropriate manner that had been showed in that movie.

Other than that, elder people should always show a good manner and be a role model for youth to follow. This is because as long the youth can see any actions with their eyes, they will copy that actions and apply it in their life. So, if the elders show good manners, youth will follow it.
The effect of impoliteness in youth is it can ruin the integrity and unity between the youth and the people around them. Then, it will also ruin the image, not only youth’s image, but also our country’s image to the world.

There are also ways to curb the impoliteness’ issue. One is, of course, the parent should always have their eyes on their children on their daily life. Second, the school or university should offering moral subject as the core subject for them to learn how to live with polite and kind to other people. Third, the government and non-government authorities should always hold campaigns about applying good manners in youth daily life.

We as youths believe that being impolite just ruin our life. Together we say “ No“ to impoliteness. 


Nowadays, the cases of new born baby dumping in Malaysia are rapidly increases. This social problem can be seemed on all type of media such as newspaper and mass media. Dumping babies mean the acts of throw away the baby at any places without take care the babies. This is against human rights.  For the past few years there are many new born babies have been found, dead or live in the most unlikely places like rubbish dump, toilet, mosque and even in the river. This is shows clearly that baby dumping is really serious problem that currently happen in our society. Baby dumping became chronic it is because teenagers are immature to fully understand the effect of free sex. Besides, they lack of sex education and don’t have parental control their activity.

Cause of baby dumping is teenagers are too immature to fully understand the effects of free sex on their lives. So there is no doubt that another problem will be created because of it. Being a pregnant unexpectedly makes them feel panic and they take a risk to abort the baby before their family aware of the physical changes on their body. They cannot thinks rationally anymore in the desperate situation whether their want to abort the baby or to decide to give birth to the baby. They dumb the baby such as throw away the babies at any places like dustbin, toilet and so on. In these cases teenagers do not have money to carry such a huge responsibility. Most of them consider baby dumping as the best way because they think it will not leave over effects on them in the future. But their minds are definitely wrong because they have killed the innocent babies and do the crime.

Sometimes, parents do not give full attention to their children as today many parents are expect their children are good enough to take save of themselves. No parental control on teenager’s life also is a part cause of baby dumping. Parents are also too busy with their jobs until they forget to give attention to their children. Parents want more income in their life but they do not have enough time to look after their children activities. The result is their children lack of home education and cannot differentiate between the good and bad. They will do what they want freely without being warning by their parent.

Internet and multimedia also lead to this issue. This is because pornography and sex video can be access by the children with ease, where Internet supposed to help them to study but certain abuses take place. They will be influenced by the videos that they watched and of course it will make them to influence other people to do free sex. And when they got the product of their sin, they will throw it away like trash.

Although this issue is worrying but it still can be curbing by a few method. First is parent should always keep their eyes on their children and watch what they do and with who they friend. Second, the government and the non-government agencies should always make campaign or offering sex education to make youth nowadays realize about the harms of free sex to them. Lastly, we as concern citizens around them should always do not ignore when they do wrong things. Give them advises or report to the relevant authorities such as police.

So, we hope that this issue will soon be end. May Allah bless us all in the way we live our life in this world.

World poverty

Poverty is the state of one who lacks a certain amount of material possession or money. Absolute poverty means basic humans needs such as food, water, clothing, place, education, and shelter. Furthermore, relative poverty refers to economics inequality in the location or society in which people live.

   Poverty was considered largely unavailable as traditional modes of productions were insufficient to give an etire population a comfortable standard of living. There are many poverty facts and stats. For example more than 80 percebt of the world's population lives in countries where income differentials and widening. Other than that, the poorest 40 percent is the world's population accounts for 5 percent of global income. The richest 20 percent account for three quater of world income.

   Thus, poverty education is a major goal and issue for many international organizations such as the United Nations and the World Bank. The World Bank estimated 1.29 billion people were living in absolute poverty in 2008. Of these, about 400 million people in absolute poverty lived in India aand 173 mllion people in China.  In terms of percentage of regional populations, sub-Saharan Africa at 47 percent had the highest incidence rate of absolute poverty in 2008. Between 1990 and 2010, about 663 million people moved above the absolute poverty level. Still, extreme poverty is a global challenge; it is observed in all parts of the world, including developed economies.

Saturday, October 5, 2013


Hi there ! My name is Muhamad Amirul Bin Zuhaimi . You can call me black. I'm from Cheras, Kuala Lumpur and i'm the first child in my family. Sekolah Kebangsaan Taman Midah 1 is my primary school. SMK Seri Permaisuri and MJSC Pengkalan Hulu are my secondary school. Then i continue my study at UiTM Puncak Alam. Later on, i further my study at Malaysian Institute Chemical Bio-Engineering Technology in chemical engineering in process. So now here i am in UNIKL MICET.



for more information about me :

twitter - @ALamirulzuhaimi

facebook - amirulzuhaimi

i think that's all for the introduction. See ya!

Thursday, October 3, 2013

its me, Haziq Yahya ,,,,

Assalamualaikum and hye there ! It is a pleasure to meet you all.

-once B.O.S, always B.O.S-
First of all, let me introduce myself. My name is Mohammad Haziq bin Yahya. You can call my glamour and lovely name, Haziq. Instead of being the first son of the family, I am a Johorean and 19 years old. And sorry to all women, I am taken. hahaha

I am a person who is active and can play any type of games or sports. I do love photography and nature. I like to eat fried rice and like to drink mineral water. It is a balanced diet and I guest that why I can maintained my body. lol

Before this, I had been studied in a secondary school in Muar from 2007 to 2011. After graduated, I further my study in Johore Matriculation College for one year.

-school badge-

- JMC in memory-

So, now here am I, continue to further my study in Bachelor of Chemical Engineering and Technology in Process (Hons.) in Unikl MICET. 

For more information or update from me, you guys can follow me at:

Instagram : @mhaziqyahya

twitter : @ajiK_kL7894

Facebook : MohaMad HaZeeq

phone number : 014 tekan2 tak dpt ,,,, kih3

I think that all for the introduction. I hope that you will enjoy the entries that we will upload in this blog. See ya 

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

about me... Aizat Bin Ahmad

ermmm. Let me starts this blog by introducing myself first. I'm Aizat Bin Ahmad, one of the admins of this blog, which is a requirement for Fundamental English subject. Well, I don't really have anything interesting for me to wrote. just a little information about me, I'm from the northern state of Malaysia, which is Perlis. I'm the second child of my parent. Originally my father are from Perak and my mother are from Perlis. I started my education at the age of 6, at a kindergarten. Then I go to SRK Seri Indra. Finish my primary school with flying color and later selected to enter one of the elite secondary school in Perlis which is SMK Derma. Started to be serious in sports, more specific I'm more to goalkeeping. Represents my school Handball and Hockey team, as a goalkeeper. So I lose some of my focus on studying. Later on I further my study at MARA College Kuala Nerang under Foundation In Science and Technology - Engineering courses. So here am I, UniKL MICET, Bachelor of Chemical Engineering (Hons.) in Process.

feel free to tweet me --->
facebook me --->

by the way, I still don't get my first android, so I don't have Instagram, Wechat, Whatapps. Still waiting for MARA loan to upgrade my symbian60.. ahahahahaa